Nurse Midwives Puns – Best Nurse Midwives Puns for 2024

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If you needed help with the list of nurse midwives puns, This is the place to be.

We did our research to help you with just that - a complete list of puns related to nurse midwives.

Best Nurse Midwives Puns to Use in 2024

The following are all the best puns related to nurse midwives to use this year:

  1. Why did the nurse midwife take up gardening? Because she wanted to deliver plant babies!
  2. What did the nurse midwife say to the expectant mother with twins? 'Looks like you've got a double delivery on the way!'
  3. Why did the nurse midwife become a comedian? Because she specialized in delivering punchlines!
  4. How did the nurse midwife stay calm during a difficult birth? She just took it one contraction at a time!
  5. Why do nurse midwives make great detectives? Because they always know when a pregnancy is due!
  6. What do you call a nurse midwife who can juggle? A multitasking midwifery marvel!
  7. Why do nurse midwives never get lost? Because they always follow the baby's head!
  8. What did the nurse midwife say when the baby started crying? 'Looks like we've got some sound effects during delivery!'
  9. Why did the nurse midwife bring a ladder to the delivery room? In case she needed to deliver some high babies!
  10. What do you call a nurse midwife who loves math? An arithmetic stork!
  11. Why do nurse midwives make great bakers? They are experts at delivering dough!
  12. What did the nurse midwife say to the baby who was running late? 'Looks like you're on your own timeline, little one!'
  13. Why did the nurse midwife decide to become a musician? She wanted to deliver some notes during childbirth!
  14. What do you call a nurse midwife who can fix cars? A delivery mechanic!
  15. Why did the nurse midwife receive an award? She was outstanding in her delivery!
  16. What did the nurse midwife say to the newborn? 'You're a delivery of joy!'
  17. Why did the nurse midwife join a band? She wanted to deliver harmony to the world!
  18. What do you call a nurse midwife who is always polite? A courteous stork!
  19. Why did the nurse midwife become a yoga instructor? She wanted to deliver a peaceful aura to expectant mothers!

There you go, I hope you appreciate these nurse midwives puns!

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