Judo Puns – Best Judo Puns for 2024

This list of judo puns is open to contribution. If you’d like to add a judo pun to it, please submit it to us using the comments section below.

If you needed help with the list of judo puns, This is the place to be.

We did our research to help you with just that - a complete list of puns related to judo.

Best Judo Puns to Use in 2024

The following are all the best puns related to judo to use this year:

  1. What did one judoka say to the other? I'm always up for a good throwdown!
  2. Why did the judoka wear a belt? Because it was a waist of time!
  3. Why was the judo mat such a good listener? Because it was all ears!
  4. What do you call a judoka who takes up baking? A cocoa-thrower!
  5. Why did the judoka bring a ladder to the competition? To reach new heights!
  6. How do judokas like their coffee? With a little bit of throw'lated milk!
  7. Why did the judo instructor open a bakery? Because he wanted to roll out a new batch of black belts!
  8. What did the judoka say to the noisy crowd? 'Quiet! Can't you see I'm trying to make a point?!'
  9. Why did the judoka refuse to fly in an airplane? He wanted to avoid any unnecessary throws!
  10. What did the judoka say when he won an award? 'I guess you can say I really threw myself into it!'
  11. Why did the judoka always eat at the sushi restaurant? He wanted to master the art of the roll!
  12. What's a judoka's favorite card game? Throw-five!
  13. Why did the judoka bring a notebook to the competition? To jot down his throw'ts!
  14. What did the judoka say about his favorite yoga pose? 'It's a real throw-ga moment!'
  15. Why did the judoka bring a broomstick to the tournament? To sweep his opponents off their feet!
  16. What's a judoka's favorite dance move? The throw-down!
  17. Why did the judoka go into politics? He knew how to take down opponents without breaking a sweat!
  18. What did the judoka say to his opponent during a match? 'You're going down for a throw ride!'
  19. Why do judokas love to garden? Because they have a green belt!

There you go, I hope you appreciate these judo puns!

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